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22. Minwoo Choi, Xin Wang, Jaeman Song*, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Dual-junction-based near-field thermophotovoltaic converter robust to emitter temperature drop using thermophotonic emission”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 239, 126512 (2025). Click to download

21. Jaeman Song, Kyu Jin Jeong, Gunwoo Baik, Hiki Hong, and Mikyung Lim*, “Air-gap controlled smart window for spectral and angular selective modulation of solar radiation”, Energy Conversion and Management, 324, 119237 (2025). Click to download

20. Dongmin Shin, Jaeho Lee, Jihoon Son, Yongkeun Yun, Yoonchan Song, and Jaeman Song*“Intelligent Combustion Control in Waste-to-Energy Facilities: Enhancing Efficiency and Reducing Emissions Using AI and IoT”, Energies, 17, 4634 (2024). Click to download

19. Somi Jang, Seojun Min, Jaeman Song*, and Hiki Hong*, “Analysis of condensation phenomena according to the type of energy recovery ventilator - Simulation and experiments”, Journal of Building Engineering, 96, 110424 (2024). Click to download

18. Yeongju Jung, Ji-Seok Kim, Junhyuk Bang, Seok Hwan Choi, Kangkyu Kwon, Min Jae Lee, Il-Kwon Oh, Jaemang Song, Jinwoo Lee*, and Seung Hwan Ko*, “Energy-saving window for versatile multimode of radiative cooling, energy harvesting, and defrosting functionalities”, Nano Energy, 129, 110004 (2024). Click to download

17. Minwoo Choi, Taeyeong Kim, Bong Jae Lee, Jaeman Song*, and Jungchul Lee*, “Conformally overlaid ferromagnetic shadow masks for etching and deposition processes”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 33, 124-126 (2024). Click to download

16. Minwoo Choi, Jaeman Song*, and Bong Jae Lee*, “
Bifacial near-field thermophotovoltaic converter with transparent intermediate substrate”, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 153, 107355 (2024). Click to download

15. Zhimin Yang+*, Jaeman Song+, and Bong Jae Lee, “Thermophotonic cells in self-sustaining parallel circuits”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 312, 108792 (2024) (+Equally contributed). Click to download

14. Kyung Rok Pyun, Seongmin Jeong, Myung Jin Yoo, Seok Hwan Choi, Gunwoo Baik, Minjae Lee, Jaeman Song*, and Seung Hwan Ko*, “Tunable Radiative Cooling by Mechanochromic Electrospun Micro‐Nanofiber Matrix, Small, 2308572 (2023). Click to download

13. Jaeman Song+, Minwoo Choi+, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Effectiveness of multi-junction cells in near-field thermophotovoltaic devices considering additional losses”, Nanophotonics, 13, 813-823 (2023) (+Equally contributed). Click to download

12. Zhimin Yang+*, Jaeman Song+, and Bong Jae Lee, “Analysis of Near-field Thermophotovoltaic Devices using Graphene-Germanium Schottky Cell”, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 70, 3269 (2023). (+Equally contributed). Click to download

11. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Zhimin Yang, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “A multi-junction-based near-field solar thermophotovoltaic system with a graphite intermediate structure”, Applied Physics Letters, 121, 163503 (2022). Click to download

10. Jaeman Song, Junho Jang, Mikyung Lim, Minwoo Choi, Jungchul Lee*, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Thermophotovoltaic energy conversion in far-to-near-field transition regime”, ACS Photonics, 9, 1748-1756 (2022). Click to download

9. Jaeman Song, Jihye Han, Minwoo Choi, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Modeling and experiments of near-field thermophotovoltaic conversion: A review”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 238, 111556 (2022). Click to download

8. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Mikyung Lim, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Comprehensive analysis of an optimized near-field tandem thermophotovoltaic converter”, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 236, 111522 (2022). Click to download

7. Junho Jang+, Jaeman Song+, Seung S. Lee, Sangkwon Jeong, Bong Jae Lee*, and Sanghyeon Kim*, “Analysis of temperature-dependent I-V characteristics of the Au/n-GaSb Schottky diode”, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 131, 105882 (2021) (+Equally contributed). Click to download

6. Jaeman Song+, Junyong Seo+, Jihye Han, Jungchul Lee*, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Ultrahigh emissivity of grating-patterned PDMS film from 8 to 13 um wavelength regime”, Applied Physics Letters, 117(9), 094101 (2020) (+Equally contributed). Click to download

5. Mikyung Lim+, Jaeman Song+, Seung S. Lee, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Surface-plasmon-enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer between planar surfaces with a thin-film plasmonic coupler”, Physical Review Applied, 14, 014070 (2020) (+Equally contributed). Click to download

4. Jaeman Song, Junho Jang, Mikyung Lim, Jungchul Lee, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Near-field electroluminescent refrigeration system consisting of two graphene Schottky diodes”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 142, 072101 (2020). Click to download

3. Jaeman Song, Mikyung Lim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Analysis of photocurrent generation within a Schottky-junction-based near-field thermophotovoltaic system”, Physical Review Applied, 11, 044040 (2019). Click to download

2. Mikyung Lim+, Jaeman Song+, Seung S. Lee*, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Tailoring near-field thermal radiation between metallo-dielectric multilayers using coupled surface plasmon polaritons”, Nature Communications, 9, 4302 (2018) (+Equally contributed). Click to download

1. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Jihoon Kim, Seung S. Lee, Ikjin Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Optimization of a near-field thermophotovoltaic system operating at low temperature and large vacuum gap”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 210, 35-43 (2018). Click to download

International Conference Proceeding

18. Gyu Heo, Minwoo Choi, Gunwoo Baik, Jaeman Song*, and Bong Jae Lee, “Design of Bifacial Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic Converters with Internal Cooling Channels in Silicon Layers”4th International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad 2024), Abstract No. PS23, Sapporo, Japan, July 16-19, (2024).

17. Minwoo Choi, Xin Wang, Jaeman Song, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Enhanced robustness in dual-junction near-field
thermophotovoltaic conversion using a thin LED layer”
4th International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad 2024), Abstract No. PS5, Sapporo, Japan, July 16-19, (2024).

16. Namwoo Kim, Seonggyu Yang, Wonjong Yu, and Jaeman Song*, “Recovery of waste heat generated in thin film solid oxide fuel cells using near-field thermophotovoltaic energy conversion”, Third Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (3rd ACTS), No. P-0774, Shanghai, China, June 23-27, (2024).

15. Gunwoo Baik, Hyuntak Kim, Saeyoon Kim, Inwoo Chun, and Jaeman Song*, Analysis of power supply of solar integrated latent heat thermophotovoltaic (LHTPV) system, Third Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences (3rd ACTS), No. P-0771, Shanghai, China, June 23-27, (2024).

14. Mikyung Lim*, Kwang-Seop Kim, Jaeman Song, Hyeon-Don Kim, Seong-Jae Jeon, Suwan Jeon, and Jae-Hyun Kim, “Spectrally selective solar reflectance control with graphene-based nanostructure”, ASME 2023 Summer Heat Transfer Conference (SHTC), No. SHTC2023-114477, Washington, DC, USA, July 10-12, (2023).

13. Minwoo Choi, Jaeman Song, Bong Jae Lee*, “Design of near-field thermophotovoltaic energy conversion with dual emitter”, 14th World Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity (TPV-14), Virtual Conference, May 31-June 2, (2023). 

12. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Effectiveness of far-to-near-field transition regime in large-area sub-micron gap thermophotovoltaic conversion”, 18th International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, IEEE-NEMS 2023, No. P2-030, Jeju island, Korea, May 14-17, (2023).

11. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Jihye Han, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Performance analysis of tandem near-field solar thermophotovoltaic system”, 13th World Conference on Thermophotovoltaic Generation of Electricity (TPV-13), Virtual Conference, April 25-27, (2022).

10. Jihye Han, Jaeman Song, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Near-field thermal radiation between plane and grating structure”, 2nd Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences, No. 41013, Virtual Conference, October 3-7, (2021).

9. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Mikyung Lim, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Theoretical analysis of GaSb/InAs tandem-cells-based near-field thermophotovoltaic system”, E-MRS Spring Meeting 2021, Advances in Thermophotovoltaics: Materials, Devices, and Systems, Virtual Conference, Abstract No. B.03.5, Virtual Conference, May 31-June 3, (2021).

8. Jaeman Song, Mikyung Lim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Near-field negative electroluminescent cooling system with metal-semiconductor-metal Schottky-junction structure”, 6th ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, Paper No. MNHMT2019-4174, Dalian, China, July 8-10, (2019).

7. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Performance analysis model for a near-field thermophotovoltaic system with a backside reflector”, 9th International Symposium on Radiative Transfer (RAD-19), Paper No. RAD-19 NS07, Athens, Greece, June 3-7, (2019).

6. Jaeman Song, Mikyung Lim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Performance analysis of Schottky junction-based near-field thermophotovoltaic system”, Nanoscale and Microscale Heat Transfer VI Eurotherm 111, ID: 144, Levi, Lapland, Finland, December 2-7, (2018).

5. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Jihoon Kim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Optimized Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic Device”, The Fourteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Abstract No. OS17-72, Sendai, Japan, November 1-3, (2017).

4. Jaeman Song, Mikyung Lim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Hyperbolic Metamaterials”, The Ninth JSME-KSME Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, Abstract No. TFEC9-1217, Okinawa, Japan, October 28-30, (2017).

3. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Novel Integrated Platform for Measuring Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Hyperbolic Metamaterials”, 3rd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad 2017), Abstract No. OP-025, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, June 26-28, (2017).

2. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Jihoon Kim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Optimal Design of Near-Field Thermophotovoltaic System with Hyperbolic Metamaterials and Multilayered Graphene”, 3rd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation (NanoRad 2017), Abstract No. OP-024, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, June 26-28, (2017).

1. Jaeman Song, Mikyung Lim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Hyperbolic Metamaterials”, ASME 2016 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Abstract No. IMECE2016-65989, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 11–17, (2016).

Domestic Conference Proceeding

31. Jaeman Song, Kyu Jin Jeong, Gunwoo Baik, Hiki Hong, and Mikyung Lim*, “태양 복사에 대한 파장 및 각도 선택적 조절이 가능한 에어갭 제어 스마트 윈도우”, SAREK Winter Annual Conference, Paper No. 24-W-136, Seoul, Korea, November 29, (2024).

30. Wang Xin, Minwoo Choi, Jaeman Song, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Multi-Junction-Based Near-Field Thermophotonic System
”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME24-We05A-002, Jeju island, Korea, November 6-9, (2024).

29. Gyu Heo, Minwoo Choi, Gunwoo Baik, Jaeman Song*, and Bong Jae Lee, “냉각 시스템이 통합된 양면 근접장 열광전지 변환기
”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME24-We05B-005, Jeju island, Korea, November 6-9, (2024).

28. Gunwoo Baik, Tae In Choi, Seung Min Woo, and
Jaeman Song*, “우주탐사용 방사성 동위원소-태양 열광전지 배터리의 성능 평가”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME24-Fr02B-002, Jeju island, Korea, November 6-9, (2024).

27. Namwoo Kim, Seonguk Oh, Wonjong Yu, and
Jaeman Song*, “박막 고체 산화물 연료전지의 폐열을 회수하기 위한 다중 접합 근접장 열 광전지를 이용한 통합 시스템”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME24-Th04A-002, Jeju island, Korea, November 6-9, (2024).

26. Hyeontak Kim, Saeyoun Kim, Joohyuk Kim, Gunwoo Baik, and Jaeman Song*, “상변화 물질 기반 잠열 에너지 저장 및 열광전지 전력 변환 시스템”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME24-We19D-018, Jeju island, Korea, November 6-9, (2024).

25. Yujin Lee, Seojun Min, Jaeman Song, and Hiki Hong*, “온실 적용을 위한 PVT와 GSHP의 결합 시스템”, SAREK Summer Annual Conference, Paper No. 24-S-212, Pyeongchang, Korea, June 19-21, (2024).

24. ​Gunwoo Baik, Hyeontak Kim, Saeyoun Kim, and Jaeman Song*, “잠열 태양 열광전지 시스템 성능 분석을 위한 실험장치 구축”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 24TE-Th01D67, Jeju island, Korea, April 24-27, (2024).

23. Minwoo Choi, Xin Wang, Jaeman Song, and Bong Jae Lee*, “박막 열광자 방사층을 이용한 이중 접합 광전지셀 기반 근접장 열광전변환 시스템”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 24TE-Fr03A01, Jeju island, Korea, April 24-27, (2024).

22. Seojun Min, Sung Soo Kim, Jaeman Song, and Hiki Hong*, “시뮬레이션 및 실증실험을 통한 ERV의 결로현상 분석”, SAREK Winter Annual Conference, Paper No. 23-W-074, Seoul, Korea, November 24, (2023).

21. Minwoo Choi, Jihye Han, Jeongmin Nam, Jaeman Song, and Bong Jae Lee, “Near-field thermophotovoltaic conversion system
”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME23-Fr04B-004, Incheon, Korea, November 1-4, (2023).

20. Taeyeong Kim, Juhee Ko, Minwoo Choi, Bong Jae Lee, Jaeman Song, and Jungchul Lee, “Wafer scale ferromagnetic shadow mask for versatile microfabrication”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME23-We10A-004, Incheon, Korea, November 1-4, (2023).

19. Gunwoo Baik, Mikyung Lim, and Jaeman Song, “Study on radiative heat flux measurement for performance analysis of solid-state graphene-based thermal switch”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME23-We22A-016, Incheon, Korea, November 1-4, (2023).

18. Ajin Jo, Kyu Jin Jeong, Seojun Min, Wonjong Yu, Jaeman Song, and Hiki Hong*, “태양열 시스템의 성능 진단 및 고장 감지를 위한 스마트 O&M 시스템 개발”, SAREK Summer Annual Conference
, Paper No. 23-S-327, Pyeongchang, Korea, June 21-23, (2023).

17. Kyu Jin Jeong, Jaeman Song, and Hiki Hong*, “제어방법에 따른 하이브리드 제습·환기 시스템 성능 및 실내 열환경의 동적 시뮬레이션”, SAREK Summer Annual Conference, Paper No. 23-S-109, Pyeongchang, Korea, June 21-23, (2023).

16. Mikyung Lim*, Kwang-Seop Kim, Jaeman Song, Suwan Jeon, Seong-jae Jeon, Hyeon-Don Kim, and Jae-Hyun Kim, “다층 그래핀 기반 태양 복사에너지 능동 제어 기술 개발”, KSME Micro-Nano Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 23MN-Fr07-02, Busan, Korea, April 19-22, (2023).

15. Jaeman Song, Kyu Jin Jeong, Kwang-Seop Kim, Jae-Hyun Kim, Hiki Hong, and Mikyung Lim*, “투과모드와 반사모드로 전환가능한 스마트 윈도우 설계”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 23TE-Th06D22, Busan, Korea, April 19-22, (2023).

14. Minwoo Choi, Jaeman Song, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Bifacial near-field thermophotovoltaic energy converter”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 23TE-Fr01A04, Busan, Korea, April 19-22, (2023).

13. Ajin Jo, Kyu Jin Jeong, Jaeman Song, and Hiki Hong*, “태양열 시스템의 스마트 유지관리 시스템 개발”, KSES Annual Spring Conference, Paper No. STC-S-6, Gyeongju, Korea, April 19-21, (2023).

12. Mikyung Lim*, Jaeman Song, Kwang-Seop Kim, Hyeon-Don Kim, and Jae-Hyun Kim, “그래핀 기반 고상 열 스위칭 기술 개발”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. We19A-015, Jeju island, Korea, November 9-12, (2022).

11. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “다중접합 광전지셀과 그래파이트 중간구조를 이용한 근접장 태양 열광전지 에너지 변환 시스템”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME22-Fr02F-004, Jeju island, Korea, November 9-12, (2022).

10. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “근접장 태양 열광전지 에너지 변환 시스템의 설계 및 성능 분석”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 22TE-Th01C015, Gyeongju, Korea, April 20-22, (2022).

9. Jaeman Song, Minwoo Choi, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Nanoscale-gap thermophotovoltaic energy conversion and its application on the solar energy harvesting”, Nano Convergence Conference 2022, Paper No. 22TE-Th01C015, Gyeongju, Korea, April 20-22, (2022).

8. Jaeman Song, Junho Jang, Minwoo Choi, Mikyung Lim, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “서브 마이크론 진공 갭에서 열광전지 성능의 실험적 검증”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 21TE-Th01B032, Jeju island, Korea, May 26-28, (2021).

7. Jihye Han, Jaeman Song, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “평판과 격자구조 사이의 근접장 복사열전달 측정”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 21TE-Th05B060, Jeju island, Korea, May 26-28, (2021).

6. Jaeman Song, Junyong Seo, Seung S. Lee, Jungchul Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “Fabrication of PDMS thin film with 2D grating patterns”, Korean MEMS (KMEMS), Paper No. KMEMS20-066, Pyeongchang, Korea, August 19-21, (2020).

5. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Jihye Han, and Bong Jae Lee*, “금속박막과 반도체 사이의 근접장 복사 열전달 측정”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 19TE-Th02C037, Busan, Korea, May 22-24, (2019).

4. Mikyung Lim, Jaeman Song, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “근접장 복사 열전달 측정 방법에 대한 고찰”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME18F- Fr06B001, JeongSeon, Korea, December 12-15, (2018).

3. Jaeman Song, Mikyung Lim, Seung S. Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “금-실리콘 쇼트키 접합부 기반 근접장 열광전지 시스템”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME18F- Fr06B002, JeongSeon, Korea, December 12-15, (2018).

2. Jaeman Song, Seungyoon Lee, and Bong Jae Lee*, “SiO2 박막 위 PDMS 필름의 적외선 영역 복사물성”, KSME Annual Fall Meeting, Paper No. KSME18F- Fr06A004, JeongSeon, Korea, December 12-15, (2018).

1. Seungyoon Lee, Jaeman Song, and Bong Jae Lee*, “PDMS 필름을 이용한 주간(daytime) 패시브 복사냉각 구현”, KSME Thermal Engineering Division Spring Meeting, Paper No. 18TE-Fr06P172, Jeju island, Korea, April 25-27, (2018).

Thermal Energy and Radiation Laboratory

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyung Hee University

Woojungwon Rm. 7003

1732, Deogyeong-daero, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

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